Design audit

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A capture that I made auditing while working on the 2-person Design Systems team (supporting 20+ UX Designers).

šŸš§ļø this is a bit of a mess, but tl;dr auditing includes tools, processes, & creating ways of managing change šŸš§

Notes on a design audit @

Thereā€™s a lot of communication that happens around design systems, but one of the first things that needs to happen is getting an inventory of what patterns currently exist.

Working within a newly-formed Design Systems Team at, I was part of a duo tasked with supporting 20+ UX designers.

One of my first tasks was to identify the current components, discrepancies, and mobile variation patterns across the user experience.

Note the existing system

Before making suggestions, take a few weeks (or months in larger-orgs) to really experience the communication patterns throughout the org (tools + how people operate).

(Note: if you need to knock out auditing design patterns right away, Iā€™d use Brad Frostā€™s interface audit is a great resource if you want to jump in & start putting screenshots into Keynote.

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

I used Whimsical to map out what the team was currently paying for & the toolā€™s features.

Letā€™s imagine youā€™re on a team of 15 ux designers, split across several teams along the purchase journey.

After a few weeks, youā€™ll get an idea of how people do things.

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

An overview of the components in the sketch library in mindnode. I like using different tools & this one is a solid native mac app for mindmapping.

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

Before making too many waves, I contacted the main users of the existing tools that would be impacted by any contract changes. (note: it was only one account generating 90+% of the projects).

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

Supporting a new tool means handling the old tool comms & creating channels that support & encourage the new tool usage & adoption.

Start Small, Think Big

I wanted to be able to show some value right away, and in the case of e-commerce, thatā€™s going to be the PDP (Product Details Page) (whatā€™s nice, is that in theory youā€™ll eventually get to everything).

Start wherever the most used part of your app/service is, which will likely contain a lot the main components.

Design tool + Browser

Using Figma and Chrome DevTools, I would start the process of interacting with the page and documenting the patterns.

After a while, you start to get into a rhythm. Having the same URL in two tabs, one in desktop view and one in mobile, then capturing component-by-component ended up being a favorite flow of mine.

It ensured that if I had to stop for something, I would have the component captured on desktop and mobile. I err on the side of desktop and mobile being ā€˜completeā€™ rather than documenting all patterns found in a certain view as complete (e.g., ā€˜desktop completeā€™). We are going component-first instead of viewport-first.

A collection of macOS graphical user interface cursors displayed in a grid, showcasing different actions such as pointing, clicking, dragging, and loading.

Preview of the cursors figma library that helped showing accurate cursor hover-states.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A web development workflow diagram depicting the evolution from a live e-commerce site through coding stages to a content management system interface.
A peek at some close-up pattern capture around menus and option-selection.

Screenshots and annotations in Figma were pivotal in our audit. This method of visual documentation is invaluable in any context, serving as a clear reference point that transcends language barriers and subjective interpretations.

Some metdata Iā€™d include:

Universal Patterns for Collaboration & Cohesion

Identifying & aligning on patterns not only saves the design & dev team implementation time, but it creates a cohesive experience for the end user.

Just remember, itā€™s whatā€™s live on production that matters.

Conversations can get muddy because people start getting design components vs. code components vs. words-only components blurred, which can create miscommunication.

Stepping back and making sure everyone is aligned on what type* of component we are talking about, can save some confusion.

A Dirty Job

There seems to be a desire to automate things, especially if itā€™s a process that naturally takes time to complete.

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

Zoomed in around the menu hover interactions. Even though they were a few pixels away on the nav, they were miles apart when it came to styling patterns.

For example, clicking through a site/app.

It takes time for a human to click through and experience whatever is being presented on their screen. Iā€™m not sure of a better way to design for an experience than to go through it yourself.

Even if there are tools that can automate audits and capture components to document, thereā€™s still the human experience of interacting with the product.

Thereā€™s a difference between reading about a 900ms blocking transition thatā€™s happening on a key component versus having to sit through the experience.

When you go through the product and start capturing patterns, you begin to develop a broader ā€˜senseā€™ of the system. Hearing about changes, you might be able to predict how the system might respond and ask questions accordingly.

Alignment instead of blame

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

The Overstock design system page & the Paper doc I had with notes around the teamā€™s values.

Capturing the product experience in a visual way can help build alignment and allow for discussions around patterns & current implementation. Remember to include some helpful metadata that letā€™s you get to whatever you were testing quickly (e.g., full url, date-test, environment, etc.).

A graphic overview of a user interface design process, showcasing various application modals, button styles, and navigation patterns to improve site consistency.

A peek at the sketch library & the library file preview, scroll* down memory lane with this howto article

Itā€™s possible to quantify aspects of a ā€˜poor experienceā€™, as defined in one part as having inconsistencies in the experience. It might be interesting to get the number of buttons that have a unique shade of blue, but whatā€™s more interesting is understanding why those inconsistencies happened in the first place.

Thereā€™s an infinite amount of possible scenarios that might cause a bunch of unique buttons to show up on a product.

The chances of guessing the right cause is slim, so itā€™s best to involve people that have insights into areas you donā€™t.

Itā€™s about the people

When it comes to ā€˜issuesā€™ or inconsistencies in the experience, itā€™s usually a manifestation of a human relation dysfunction somewhere along the creation line.

Being mindful that thereā€™s a human relations factor underneath the ui conversations can help bring a gentler tone.

Identifying & aligning on patterns not only saves the design & dev team implementation time, but it creates a cohesive experience for the end user.

This helps the people ā€˜making the thingā€™ & the people ā€˜using the thingā€™.

Just remember, design components are an abstraction ā€” itā€™s whatā€™s live-on-production that matters.

Conversations can get muddy because people start getting design components vs. code components vs. words-only components blurred, which can create miscommunication.

Stepping back and making sure everyone is aligned on what type* of component we are talking about, can save some confusion.

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